We build custom portfolios to meet each client’s unique needs and goals, all in pursuit of outperformance.
senior investment professionals
average years industry experience of senior investment professionals
manager meetings per year
years of investment innovation
of our executive leaders are women
global offices
Clients with assets committed to private investments
Average annual private equity and venture capital commitments since 2010
Capital committed to private equity by CA clients since 1980
Capital committed to venture capital by CA clients since 1980
How We Invest
Assets Under Advisement/Management
AUM (Discretionary)
AUA (Advisory)
Why CA
With Cambridge Associates, clients get the best of both big and small investment firms: access to the deep resources of a global firm and the personal-touch feeling of a boutique.
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Private clients
Since the early 1980s, we have been forging deep partnerships and building custom portfolios to help individuals, families, and family offices grow their wealth and fulfill their personal goals.
Our pension practice couples pension and investment expertise with extensive experience across organization types, markets, regulatory frameworks, asset pools, and plan types.
We continue to be a market leader in the E&F segment, creating a strong community that benefits from our thorough understanding of investment best practices, robust peer insights, and decades of experience serving institutional clients.
Endowments, foundations, & healthcare
For more than 50 years, Cambridge Associates has been a leading voice in building institutional-quality portfolios for endowments, foundations, pensions, and private clients.
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Total portfolios
Asset class mandates
We manage total portfolios on either a discretionary (OCIO) or advisory basis.
We also manage asset class mandates for clients
—typically some mix of buyout, venture capital,
growth equity, private credit, infrastructure, and
other private investment strategies.
Our robust private investments platform is built on significant resources and history to help us consistently find and access investments with the potential to outperform.
As of September 30, 2024. “Assets under advisement” include the portfolio values of the firm's global clients that receive investment advice or management and performance reporting. In a limited number of instances, client portfolio values include assets for which Cambridge Associates is only responsible for reporting performance and does not have an investment advisory responsibility. For portfolio values without final June 30, 2024 data available, assets from the prior quarter or estimates have been used.
Copyright © 2025 Cambridge Associates LLC. All Rights Reserved.
How We Invest
Corporate Social Responsibility
Why CA
Our deep relationships in the investment industry help our sophisticated client base access sought-after funds and provide fund managers with a strong and consistent source of capital.
Our high-touch investment approach ensures that each client’s portfolio risk level aligns with their long-term objectives.
Our investment team has deep experience in each client segment and specialists in private investments, SII, and diverse manager investing to help deliver the specific outcomes
our clients seek.
With no other business agendas competing for our best ideas, our investment decisions are motivated solely by our clients’ interests.
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Our ongoing commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion helps to ensure that people with diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, and life experiences join and then thrive in our firm and our industry.
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Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion
Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion
We are committed to preserving and creating opportunity for future generations by applying our time, talent, and expertise to building more sustainable and nurturing communities.
Sustaining community
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Sustaining community
Corporate Social Responsibility
We believe it is our mission and obligation to create opportunity and support success in the communities where we work.
We do this through two areas of focus:
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Hover on each segment to learn more
Our institutional and private clients typically have assets greater than $125 million.
Private Investments
Sustainable & Impact Investing
Diverse Manager Investing
Clients with assets committed to private investments
Clients with SII products in their portfolios
SII products tracked in our database
SII products in our clients' portfolios
At Cambridge Associates, our SII team is embedded in our global research platform to source and evaluate sustainability and impact
across all asset classes. We also include environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations for those investments that
go through our rigorous diligence process.
Clients with assets committed to private investments
of clients with at least one diverse investment in their portfolio
Diverse manager products tracked in our database
Meetings with diverse managers in 2022
We focus on getting the right managers within our investment pipeline and applying an equitable underwriting process to those managers. We also include diversity considerations in every step of our due diligence process. Our ratings committees across asset classes examine the diversity of the fund’s ownership and leadership team, as well as the organization’s overall approach to diversity, as integral components of the fund’s evaluation for investment.
We build custom portfolios that aim to outperform over the long term to help our clients maximize their impact on the world. Whether that means educating more students, funding more grants or employee retirements, or extending family legacies, we help our clients drive change through their investments.
As one of the earliest proponents of private investing, we have a specialized expertise and deep network in this asset class, which has been the biggest driver of long-term returns for sophisticated investors.
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Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion
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Our ongoing commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion helps to ensure that people with diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, and life experiences join and then thrive in our firm and our industry.
Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion
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Explore more:
As of September 30, 2024. The terms “CA" or “Cambridge Associates" may refer to any one or more of seven investment affiliates that were established for the sole purpose of providing our investment services in various regulatory jurisdictions around the globe: Cambridge Associates, LLC; Cambridge Associates Limited; Cambridge Associates GmbH; Cambridge Associates Asia Pte Ltd; Cambridge Associates Limited, LLC; Cambridge Associates Investment Consultancy (Beijing) Ltd; and Cambridge Associates (Hong Kong) Private Limited. These entities serve our clients from our US, London, Munich, Singapore, Sydney, Beijing, and Hong Kong office locations, respectively. Each of the affiliates has full access to all of CA’s investment resources.
[1] Senior investment professionals are those with a business title of Director or above. Industry experience may include investment-related work or support roles within financial services or investment offices.
[2] Represents five-year average of manager meetings for 2019–2023.
It may also include experience gathered through temporary work such as internships.
As of December 31, 2022. The terms "CA" or "Cambridge Associates" may refer to any one or more of seven investment affiliates that were established for the sole purpose of providing our investment services in various regulatory jurisdictions around the globe: Cambridge Associates, LLC; Cambridge Associates Limited; Cambridge Associates GmbH; Cambridge Associates Asia Pte Ltd; Cambridge Associates Limited, LLC; Cambridge Associates Investment Consultancy (Beijing) Ltd; and Cambridge Associates (Hong Kong) Private Limited. These entities serve our clients from our US, London, Munich, Singapore, Sydney, Beijing, and Hong Kong office locations, respectively. Each of the affiliates has full access to all of CA’s investment resources.
[1] Senior investment professionals are those with a business title of Director or above. Industry experience may include investment-related work or support roles within financial services or investment offices.
[2] Represents five-year average of manager meetings for 2018–2022.
As of June 30, 2024.
As of June 30, 2023.The number of managers and investments shown includes client-directed investments where Cambridge Associates has not conducted full investment evaluation.
As of December 31, 2022. The number of managers and investments shown includes client-directed investments where Cambridge Associates has not conducted full investment evaluation.
As of June 30, 2024.
As of June 30, 2023. The number of managers and investments shown includes client-directed investments where Cambridge Associates has not conducted full investment evaluation.
The California Wellness Foundation: Generating Alpha in a Diverse Manager Portfolio
The Surdna Foundation: Investing for Sustainable & Inclusive Communities
National Trust: Investing to Reach Net-Zero By 2030
The Wilson 5 Foundation: Discovering Your Family's Philanthropic Passions
We work with mission-driven clients, including endowments, foundations, pension plans, corporations, and private clients, to deliver a range of portfolio management services. Click on each image to discover the ways they’re investing to drive positive change in their portfolios and the world.
As of December 31, 2022. The number of managers and investments shown includes client-directed investments where Cambridge Associates has not conducted full investment evaluation.
Client Stories
Saint Ignatius College Prep: Providing Accessible Education for Students
Sustainable & Impact Investing